Why You Shouldn’t Give Up

Ren D
4 min readOct 14, 2019
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

A master is just a novice that kept practicing. A black belt is a white belt that continued to show up. A professional writer is a writer that started with penny stories. We all have to start somewhere. It’s important to remember this as you’re on your respective journey because there will undoubtedly be challenging moments.

When I first started Jiu Jitsu, I felt like an idiot. I had no idea what I was doing. I repeatedly told myself that black belts are white belts that didn’t quit. This helped keep me in the journey. Two years later, I am a blue belt that tells myself black belts are blue belts that didn’t quit. I’m one step closer.

Committing to learning something is essential for growth. I have a couple things I am focused on at the moment. For each one, I am a beginner. I acknowledge I don’t know much. But, I am committed to learning as much as possible so that I can eventually not be a beginner. Writing is included in this. I am not the best writer. I’ve been writing throughout my life but never consistently. I am now spending more time writing with the hope of improving. I’m reading much more as well.

It takes roughly 10,000 hours to become a master. I have roughly 250 hours of Jiu Jitsu. I am not close to being a master, but I am also no longer a novice. I am treating my writing in the same way. If I commit to writing and reading everyday…



Ren D

Jill of all trades, master of none. I write about self-awareness, personal growth, life lessons, and parenting.